As the infamous Sharpy once said, "I want more,". It's like showing a child a basket full of candy and expecting them not to go insane. I am simultaneously extremely excited and also so stressed that I might have a breakdown. This year has gone very smoothly for me, as I have turned around many of my old, horrible procrastination habits. However, this past weekend has not been as successful. I believe this inaction was caused due to burnout. Yes, I did my work, but I often overdid it. Which left me to complete simple assignments 3x times longer than needed. I understand that I will not be perfect, and I also know that I cannot go back in time. So, I will simply work with what I have and make better choices in the future.
This past week we completed assessment #3, identical to the second one, but with different sources. As previously mentioned, this assignment was subjugated to my incessant need for perfection. Our word count minimum was 500. I had 1100+ words...It was very beneficial as I learned a lot about the different types of marketers, marketing analytics/data analysis, and the piler information of marketing as a whole. To see the full extent of my five-source analysis, click on the research tab. Moreover, I finalized my resume and peer-reviewed resumes.
I have something very exciting to share. I have my first interview!! Through my personal contacts, I was able to set up a brief phone call on 9.28.22 with the Chief Marketing Officer at the Cleveland Clinic! I am so happy and also scared considering he is so high up in his position that the interview has to go well. However, I do believe my participation in DECA has prepared me for these scenarios, combined with my natural personability, I believe this interview will go amazing! I will update further next week.
Lastly, I started to look further into SEO for my website, and how I can start actively promoting it. Looking to next week, we will write our Topic Proposal, a simple page about what career we chose, why, information on it, and our plan for the future. Along this, we will also do our fourth assessment, an in-depth analysis of an article of our choice. Considering my efforts on the last assessment I plan to use one of my previous articles and add more information that I did not get to. I'm excited about everything to come and know that this is only a small step. Dipping your toe in to check the temperature of the water before completely cannonballing in.
- Samantha Stein