Marking Period One has officially ended. Meaning all my stress from the finalization of grades is now alleviated-all that is left is the stress of all the new homework and assignments that are up and coming. This statement holds true for all my classes, but most significantly, ISM.
Today in class, we went over research speeches, which will take place beginning of November. It is an eight to ten-minute presentation with a personal introduction and then an analysis of the research content we have obtained over the past 6 research assessments. The hardest part is not the content itself but making the content interesting and engaging. We are also required to have a visual aid, but to use none in the first place should be a crime. I'm extremely excited to start planning the key points and then creating the presentation. The latter will take at least double the time of the former. On a final note, from past projects similar to this one, my first instinct is to dream up this large, extravagant presentation. However, in an attempt to conquer my greatest weakness, perfectionism, I will do the bare minimum first, then go in and add my sparkle. Ultimately this is to prevent overwhelm and procrastination.
Moreover, we were assigned to create 4 SMART Goals; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Related. I really like this assignment simply because I struggle a little with coming up with goals that are honestly past my current capabilities. Therefore, I think this will really help me feel I'm on the right track and help me plan my future activities around these goals.
A quick update on interviews, I was supposed to have one this morning, however, there was a scheduling problem. All is well, and we have decided on a different day this week. I have a virtual interview tonight at 6 and an in-person interview tomorrow in an actual establishment! I'm super excited to meet with Ron, CMO at text-em-all and see what their office experience is like. Tune into next week's update to learn how these interviews went.
On a personal note, I do want to take a minute to talk about how my life is going right now. Literally amazing. I talk a lot about habits and discipline simply because I think the study of psychology and neuroscience, and the application of it in human behavior, is extremely interesting. In this regard, I have started listening to the Huberman podcast, a Neuroscience professor at Stanford University who teaches his knowledge for free on various social media platforms.
Along with this newfound love for podcasts, I have been waking up at 4:15 for the past couple of weeks. I get up, make my bed, do some trivial tasks, and then head to the gym. I've been doing a strength training class mix with cardio conditioning 5x a week and then lifting on the weekends. After my workout, I get ready for school and then study in the lobby. Also, I've started using Google Calendar again, and I love it so much. I plan out my week in advance, and I feel so structured and secure because I know what I need to do and I know when everything is due.
Considering the number of times I will be in and out of school going forward for tennis, DECA, ISM, and other appointments, it is imperative that I stay organized. For instance, I missed AP U.S. History this morning, but I already did all the class work and the preparation for the next class. I wanted to include this (and most likely will make a separate post) because I was not always like this. In fact, freshman me struggled so hard with procrastination and improper scheduling that she got a C in biology. Anyone can become disciplined and organized, they just have to have the will.
I'm excited about all the upcoming assignments and interviews and can't wait for everything to come! See y'all next week,
- Samantha Stein