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New York, New York

Thanks for tuning in to another short and sweet weekly report (in fact this might be the shortest one yet). Between five days of running around a rainy town and my 5 am flight this morning I am exhausted, so this update will be quick to the point.

As I already stated, I took a weekend trip to New York. We left Thursday night around 6pm (after some delays) and flew back this morning at about 6am (after some more delays). The first night we landed we got settled into my uncles apartment and ordered some sweet burgers from a local store.

We started off Friday morning strong at a local coffee shop, and at 10am, a tour of NYU. Even though I'm a senior, this was actually my first college tour, and the entire experience has encouraged me to seek out more dates to visit my other top schools. Overall, the tour guide was super sweet and had so much information to share! One thing about NYU that really stuck out to me was their excellence in international education; I've always been interested in studying abroad, so this is a huge perk! Later that night after our tour, my family and I went out for a nice dinner at this fancy Italian restaurant. The next morning we grabbed some bagels from a store near the apartment (the obvious choice to make when you're a Jew in New York). After breakfast, my dad, brother, and I went on a scenic biking route that overlooked the beautiful body of water and weaved through the town. Later that day, the three of us went on a one-hour drive to the house of my dad's old friend. Even though I had never met any of his old friends or their family, it was such an amazing time! Also, look at their cat!!!

Kevin (the name of their cat) is probably the most beautiful cat I have ever seen!! I believe he is a siberian mix, but I'm not entirely sure. I just know he was super chill, and his eyes are like blue orbs. Now, to end off this highlight reel, my family and I went to see the Jets v Patriots game on Sunday. It was my first football game, and yes the Jets lost (no surprise there), but it was still so amazing to actually watch a live game. It was also super helpful that I was surrounded by football nerds (my family) who kindly explained what was happening, whenever I got confused--which was quite often.

Lastly, we took our flight home this morning and came home to observe Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement. It's an abrupt end to the report, but that's everything I have to say! There's a lot of school work to catch up on, and college essays to write.

Until next week,
- Samantha Stein
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